MtG – Lessons learnd
Table of Contents
Lesson #1: Fighting against human nature is a losing battle
Lesson#2: Aesthetics matter
Lesson #3: Resonance is important
Lesson#4: Make use of piggybacking
Lesson#5: Don’t confuse “interesting” with “fun”
Lesson #6: Understand what emotion your game is trying to evoke
Lesson #7: Allow the players the ability to make the game personal
Lesson #8: The details are where the players fall in love with your game
Lesson #9: Allow your players to have a sense of ownership
Lesson #10: Leave room for the player to explore
Lesson #11: If everyone likes your game, but no one loves it, it will fail
Lesson #12: Don’t design to prove you can do something
Lesson #13: Make the fun part also the correct strategy to win
Lesson #14: Don’t be afraid to be blunt
Lesson #15: Design the component for its intended audience
Lesson #16: Be more afraid of boring your players than challenging them
Lesson #17: You don’t have to change much to change everything
Lesson #18: Restrictions breed creativity
Lesson #19: Your audience is good at recognizing problems and bad at solving them
Lesson #20: All the lessons connect